Gann Grid Master 3.0 Software
Software For Researching Financial Market Cycles
Designed by Rob Giordano
#1 Research Software for 2024 !
Dozens of Free Trading Courses Available in 2025 !
Welcome !
What I found Gann Grid Masters feature multiple tools designed with several misunderstood forecasting masters in mind: WD Gann, George Bayer, RN Elliot, Mike Jenkins, ER Dewey, Myles Walker, Brad Cowen, Luther Jensen, Jack Gillen, Tony Plummer and many others. After spending years testing hundreds of forecasting systems invented and explained by the numerous so-called modern-day forecasting masters, I've come to the following conclusion; To me, it was only a small group who demonstrated an accuracy ratio well above the law of chance. This conclusion came after testing dozens of concepts written about within several of their legendary books and courses.
What I Feel They Found Through the use of special hand-drawn charts, unique mathematical forecasting tools, insights and overlays, I feel each trader was able to see hidden support and resistance within researched markets, thus giving each trader a much needed edge to stay alive and actually profit from for so many documented years. How Can Our Software Help You Our New "Gann Grid Master's 3.0 " will help unlock even more of the hidden "why's" behind many of the masters unorthodox method.
You can now test in minutes what in the past would have took days, weeks or even months to complete by hand.
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Gann Grid Master 3.0
Please Join My New YOUTUBE Channel @
What is Gann Grid Masters ?
The Gann Grid Masters software is a computer program built and used by myself, "Rob Giordano". What the software does is allow its users to test many technical, astro-technical and cycle research methods on screen with the simple click of a button. Our unique and specialized tools are designed specifically to test many of the highest percentage worthy single system Gann, Bayer, Elliot and many others had to offer. The software not only give its users the ability to draw most stock, commodity and indexes on large number of harmonically perfect grid chart sizes just as the masters did by hand so many years earlier, but also give the ability to test each concept on screen in seconds.
Our Gann Grids software had been upgraded many times starting in 2002, however within our most recent 2024 3.0 upgrade we added dozens more features not included in any previous versions. Setting up actual price and time models on your favorite stock, commodity or index now becomes a quick, easy and more cost effective way to do your own personal cycle research.
FYI ... Gann Grid Master 3.0 is comparable to many modern technical research software such as Wave 59, Optuma, Ganntrader and Cycle Timer, however priced at around 3-5 times lower without losing the masters core techniques. Though Wave 59, Optuma and Ganntrader are great software, they are according to many way overpriced products which include dozens of unnecessary bells and whistles at the users expense.
To learn more about the software before purchase contact ME direct at and schedule your up to a full 45 min FREE private tour. Within this period I will answer all of your software questions.
Also, to help quicken the mastery of software capabilities, once purchased, each new client will receive up to 2 full hours of 1 on 1 /private live training at no extra cost !
For the price and training, this new improved and impressive version of Gann Grid Master truly makes this version a one-of-a-kind investment. Take our software for a "FREE" 5 day Money-Back trial today ! Thanks Rob Giordano Please Join My New YOUTUBE Channel @
For the price and training, this new improved and impressive version of Gann Grid Master truly makes this version a one-of-a-kind investment. Take our software for a "FREE" 5 day Money-Back trial today ! Thanks Rob Giordano Please Join My New YOUTUBE Channel @
Video's 1 and 2 Feature 2 Full Hours of 2.0 Basic Software Functions!
Say Hello to Technical Modeling Using Gann Grids Masters
April 22 2024| Rob Giordano
Technical modeling is easier than ever before using our Gann Grid Masters software. Within its functions you can plot and chart well over 60 different technical, astro-technical and stock market cycle models in realtime or end of day Making it a truly one of a kind research software.
Dont Make the Mistakes of a Junior Trader
April 22 2024| Rob Giordano
Coming soon
Exploring Market Syncronisity
May 18 2024| Rob Giordano
Vibration, harmony and syncronisity chart
The Ultimate Guide to Astro Technical Research by key words
14 Sep 2021 | John Doe
Gann Charts Gann Theory Gann Indicators Technical analysis Trading Software Market Cycles Gann Cycles Gann Grids Gann Angles Gann Biography Gann Price Time Squares George Bayer RN Elliot Edward Dewey Mike Jenkins Free Gann Books Free Gann Courses Square of 9 Square of 4 Hexagon CalculatorsStock market trading software stock market cycles software stock market app trading research trading research software trading platform technical analysis software trading platform charting software w.d. gann charting w.d. gann stock market software real time stock market quotes real time trading law of vibration stock market time cycles Edward r Dewey cycles trading time cycles w.d. gann theory w.d. Gann stock market astrology software gann George bayer George bayer astrology George bayer trading technical analysis software gannzilla Michael Jenkins stock market forecasting software gann fan square of 9 WD Gann swing charts financial astrology original gann grids Gann Angles square of 12 ganntrader wave59 Myles Wilson walker Luthor jensen astro cycles and speculative markets stock market geometry
AI, The Next Big Thing in Modern Technical Research
April 22 2024| Rob Giordano
As most traders are becoming aware , AI is the new green when it comes to advanced technical trading. However, with so many AI guru's coming to the market, how do we know who's being truthful. Unfortunatly, no simple answer exists other than expensive trial and error testing.
My best advice is, until more AI platforms give positive or negitive results, knowing how to trade first using solid tools, sound training and affordable software is the best answer i can give.
Find the Perfect Trading Mentor
April 22 2024| Rob Giordano
In the beginning I searched many years looking for a trading mentor, however what i found was anyone who actually made money trading dont teach. !
After years of making and losing thousands by not having the proper mentor, software or study material, I decided to fill the void by studying countless books and courses written by some of the best traders i could find. Once completed I designing my own software based on the most statistically sound medhods. Since 2003 I've produced several software versions along with publishing 2 books on the subject.
New courses coming in 2024.
How I can fill this void for you, ?
Not only do I offer each new software owner up to 2 full hours of 1 on 1 private training at no extra cost, I now offer a continuing education via per hour mentor program. !
What the mentor program does is explain and expand our users knowledge by continuing the private 1 on 1 lessons at a very reasonable per hour rate.
I wish someone offered this 25 years ago as it would have saved me countless years on so many technical dead ends.
Rob Giordano
Gann Charts Gann Theory Gann Indicators Technical analysis stock market Software Market Cycles Financial Astrology Astrological cycles Financial Astronomy Number Cycles Lottery Cycles WD Gann Gann Grids Gann Angles Gann Cycles Gann Price and Time Squares George Bayer RN Elliot Edward Dewey Mike Jenkins Jack Gillen Free Gann Books Free Gann Courses Square of 9 Square of 4 Hexagon Calculators Financial Astrology Software Stock market trading software stock market cycles software stock market app trading research trading research software trading platform technical analysis software trading platform charting software w.d. gann charting w.d. gann stock market software real time stock market quotes real time trading law of vibration stock market time cycles Edward r Dewey cycles trading time cycles w.d. gann theory w.d. Gann stock market astrology software gann George bayer George bayer astrology George bayer trading technical analysis software gannzilla Michael Jenkins stock market forecasting software gann fan square of 9 swing charts, financial astrology original gann grids software square of 12 ganntrader wave 59 Myles Wilson walke Luthor jensen astro cycles and speculative markets market geometry